Categories 🏷️
- 🍋 Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, and nuts
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Asparagus, celery, and leeks
- Other vegetables
- Carrots and root vegetables
- Mushrooms
- Chicory
- Cabbages and broccoli
- Cucumbers, peppers, zucchinis, and eggplants
- Beans, peas, and other legumes
- Fresh herbs and sprouts
- Cut vegetables
- Onions, shallots, and garlic
- Pumpkins
- Salad and leafy vegetables
- Tomatoes
- Nuts, seeds, kernels, and dried fruits
- Potatoes
- 🧀 Dairy and plant-based alternatives
- Butters and margarines
- Health drinks
- Fresh cream and alternatives
- Desserts
- Cheeses
- White cheeses
- Eggs
- Pizza dough, shortcrust, and puff pastry
- Dairy products and natural alternatives
- Yogurts and plant-based alternatives
- 🍹 Water, soft drinks, fruit juices, and hot drinks
- 🥐 Bread, cereals, flours, and baking products
- 🍪 Biscuits, chocolates, energy snacks, and confectionery
- 🧂 Spices, sugar, oil, and sauces
- 🍝 Pasta, rice, grains, and world cuisine
- 🥫 Cans, preserves, and jars
- 🦞 Delicatessen, fish, and veggie
- 🍛 Prepared dishes and fresh preparations
- 🍟 Chips, snacks, and aperitif bites
- 🍯 Spreads and toppings
- 🧊 Frozen foods
- 🍼 Baby
- 🛁 Care, hygiene, and health
- 🧼 Cleaning and housekeeping
- 🐾 Pets